

And I would recommend that there are several easy ways to do this.依我之荐,有很多容易的渠道可以找到。
One of course is the internet.一个渠道当然是互联网。
You might find some in your phone book, at your local health food store, natural food store. 你的电话簿中也许能找到一些,地方食品店,天然食品店。
Or at your local metaphysical book store. 或者在当地的超自然类书店。
Look for all reiki masters that teach in your area and find one that you resonate with, trust your intuition on this.在你所处的区域寻找所有的灵气导师,然后找到一个能和你产生共振的,这得相信您的直觉。 There's lots of teachers out there fortunately in the United States now there's up to eight hundred thousand estimated reiki masters.很幸运在美国有很多灵气老师,据估计已经达到了八十万。 So you'll be able to find a teacher near you I'm sure.所以,我相信,你能在离你不远处找到一个老师。
And just trust your intuition cause it's very important that you resonate with the person that you are receiving this reiki training with.要相信你的直觉,因为能和这位你所师从的老师产生共振是非常重要的。
Reiki is taught in three degrees.灵气教学有三个级别。
In first degree which is usually taught over a weekend, a minimum of ten hours a class.第一级通常只通过一个周末时间就能学习,一个班最少是10个学时。 You will learn history of reiki, the hand placements of reiki.你将学到灵气的历史,灵气的手位。
You will receive four attunements and you'll also be introduced to the chakra system.你将接受4次点化,脉轮系统知识将会介绍予你。 You'll be able to practice reiki and learn all the steps and also receive reiki.你将能够运用灵气,学会所有的步骤,并且会接收灵气。 In second degree reiki which is also taught over a period of ten hours over a weekend, you will receive the knowledge of the reiki symbols.第二级的学习也是通过10个学时或是一个周末的时间就可以,你将获得灵气符号的知识。 Which are just conji that help you to focus your intent of your energy while doing reiki.符号只是个连接媒,能够帮助你在做灵气时集中你的能量意念。 You'll receive the knowledge of learning about long distance reiki, you'll receive two attunements.你将获得关于远距离灵气的知识,你将接受两次灌顶。 You'll learn more about the human energy field and other things about energy across the universe as well.你将学到更多关于人类能量场的知识,以及一些关于能量穿越宇宙的知识。 In the third degree is also called the master degree.第三级也被称为导师级。 In tradional Usuri Reiki the third degree and the master teacher degree are combined into one, longer experience.在传统的臼井灵气中,三级和导师级是合并在一起的,更长的实践过程。
When I teach master degree it's a very intense, intentful experience.当我教授导师级时,是个非常专注,聚精会神的过程。 So that when you are finished with your third degree you will also be able to teach if you so desire.因此当你完成第三级时,只要你想,你就也可以去教学了。 In third degree you'll learn advanced reiki healing techniques.在第三级你会学到更高级别的灵气疗愈技能。 You'll learn how to give attunements in which you must audit several classes in both first and second degree wherein your second audits you will give attunements to the students in both first and second degree.你将学会如何灌顶,但你得先在一级、二级的课堂中多次旁听,在第二轮旁听的同时你也将给一级、二级的学员进行灌顶。 You'll learn advanced trainings that Usuri himself wrote about and you'll experience them as we practice with each other on a regular basis.你将学到臼井大师自己编著的更高级的训练,这在我们彼此常规训练中可以体验到。 When you are finished with this training you will indeed be able to call yourself a reiki master teacher.当你完成这些训练时,你的确要能够把自己称为灵气导师了。 If you so desire you can teach, if you want to keep the knowledge to yourself and help your friends and family that is wonderful also.如果你想,你就可以教学,如果你只想为自己、朋友、家人而保有这些知识,也很好。 Reiki is a wonderful gift to learn for yourself as you'll learn valuable life tools that will assist you in every way for your highest good on your life path.
灵气是你为自己习得的神奇能力,正如在人生道路上你需要为自己掌握一些重要的生命工具来帮助你达到至善境界。——————————————————————————————————————————— 推荐徐属桦老师北京灵气疗法培训课程>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>